Yoga Padmasana or Lotus Pose is a most popular yoga asana among the people for kundali awakening and meditation purpose. In India every yogis sit in both Padmasana postures i.e. Ardha Padmasana and Baddha Padmasana. Here we describes you the steps for Padmasana and also the advantages of Padmasana. Practicing Padmasana step by step in a daily-routine of yoga exercise will let you have Padmasana benefits in a habitual manner. Here we showcase some steps for how to do Padmasana and easy ways for obtaining benefits of Garudasana.
Following are the guidelines of practicing Padmasana step by step.
Step 1: -
First of all sit on ground with all your legs stretched in a straight line.
Step 2: -
After that bend your right knee and tightly grip your right foot with both hands & place on left thigh by bringing it close to navel as much as possible.
Step 3: -
Now again do the same procedure with left leg, bend left knee and tightly grip your left foot with the help of both hands and place it on right thigh by bringing it more close to navel.
Step 4: -
By this way your both knees comes in contact with the ground such that soles are pointing in upward direction and spine are held straight avoiding it not to get stiff.
Step 5: -
At time when practitioner doesn’t feel comfortable for sitting long time in same position then the position of legs can be changed.
Step 6: -
At last place both hands in Gyana Mudra or palm facing down on your knees. However you can also place hands such that palms facing in upward direction touching the navel.
Performing Padmasana step by step as mentioned above will surely benefits the body & mind. Although, if it is hard to practice it in early stage for beginners than performing following asanas stepwise will lead you to Padmasana
Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
This is the easiest Padmasana for those who find difficulty or feeling pain while practicing any Padmasanas.
This Padmasana is practiced by following one leg at a time for Padmasana. Initially right leg is placed on left thigh and after some time left leg is placed on right thigh such that left and right legs remains in touch with the ground respectively.
Time Duration for Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
Time duration for this pose depends on the person’s ability of practicing it and for how long he can continue the pose. Padmasana should not be practiced beyond the capacity in early stage for obtaining accurate Padmasana benefits. As with the increase of practice of Padmasana simultaneously increases the time duration for practicing it and even makes it feel comfortable and easy.
Baddha Padmasana
This is also one type of easy Padmasana to practice as only positions of hands can be changed.
1) First of all sit in normal Padmasana position
2) Now cross left hand at the back and hold right leg big toe
3) Now do same with right hand and hold left leg big toe
4) By this process both your hands and legs gets lock with each other
5) Now breathe air steadily and sit straight as much as possible
6) For yoga beginners if it is tough to keep the grip while performing then just touch the each other toes
Benefits of Padmasana
Padmasana benefits you to maintain meditation, concentration, kundali awakening and ultimately provides relaxation. This yoga asana offers natural balance throughout your body and mind as well. After practicing Padmasana for some days your knees will automatically get stretched and you will feel comfortable to practice it without any difficulty. Padmasana benefits gives the feeling of simplicity, broad thinking, drift up the nervous system, giving high spirits and increases sharpness & relaxation state of mind in all different aspects of life.
This is the most recommended yoga asana for improving flexibility of your shoulder, chest, spinal cord, waist & thigh and making it tough and strong. Padmasana is very helpful exercise for overcoming problems related to digestion and constipation.
Asanas described here should be practiced strictly under the guidance of Yoga teacher or under the supervision of yoga expert only.
Lovely post.Unique post.
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